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When I go to the capitol I want you to feel secure that I will carry the weight of our district with me. The things that are important to you are important to me

The things that you have told me are:

1 Job creation: It is no secret that job creation is at the forefront of the ills in District 12. How do we attract and retain new business to our district while providing a viable livable wage for our citizens?

My answer is to start small.

First, by speaking with and working with your local city councils to help them understand the benefits of mixed zoning, and implementing an economic development strategy, that helps the citizens and the property owners.

Second, by looking into and implementing a plan for the municipalities to work with the airbase, including a few hotels that will have small kitchenettes.  This will allow us to take some of the base hotel overflow, and restaurants that will attract people to our towns. And

Lastly, by working with the local governments to help create a small venue that will attract some night life to our district whether a theater or a symphony hall.


2. Education: “Utah continues to be dead last on money spent per student” this was a headline from the Salt Lake Tribune on June 21, 2012.

The education budget and system continue to plague it citizens with continued strife, I have a three part plan to bring in more money and to create a better education system.

First I want to implement a working privilege tax that will cost all workers of Utah $1.00 per week for the privilege of working in the state of Utah, this could potentially bring in $75 million extra dollars per year. The impact to the working class, at minimum wage this is less than 1% of their salary. This money would only go to the education of children and not for salaries of any type.

Second I would like to partner with the different Science, Tech, and Engineering companies we have in Utah and offer to have them sponsor specific classrooms that pertain to their field, by doing this it would allow for them to provide a person to show students their work in practice. In turn I would like to see schools offer them a small advertising place on the side of the building announcing they are partners in the education for the Future of Utah.

Lastly currently Utah has one of the lowest taxes on our produced oil coal and fuel products          (between 3% and 5%) we ship out to other states. I would like us to become a little competitive by aligning with the price of other competitor (between 4% and 7% of market value) states while still remaining the best value. This would bring in an additional potential of $ 300 million dollars.


3. Clean Air: We all want to breathe freely and cleanly my plan is simple, make those responsible for the dirty air meet the standards and fine them if they don’. We continue to fine them on a rising scale till the issue is fixed.

 The current legislature continues to allow (through permit) certain companies to be outside of the scope of clean air standards, but this needs to end for our future and health.


4. Veterans Issues:  It has really been in the news lately and it saddens me, I come from a great line of veterans and would never treat any veteran like they are treated today, I will push for veteran reform on mental health treatment, medical treatment, homelessness, hunger, and basic needs. I will spearhead visits to our local VA and bases to ensure our forces are being treated fairly and with the dignity they deserve and have earned.


5. Infrastructure Revitalization: District 12 is a great district and I love living here, but we have problems.

Traffic: The traffic here is bad and we need to fix it, we need better roads and better system for routing people through our district.

Water lines: The City of Roy is really addressing this problem and changing what they can as soon as they are able. Mayor Cragun is really abreast of all the needs, and is working diligently to correct the issues.

Beautification: we really could use some beautification but only in very small sections I will fight to provide the district with some beautification money so we can really be proud of where we live.

Fire and Police: Our firefighters do a wonderful job and are really professional I spoke with Roy’s Chief Poulsen, and he feels he could just use more funding for education and manpower.

I-15: The noise from I-15 is really loud and needs to be addressed, also many have asked for some signage that announces Roy as a destination not just 5600. I will work to address both issues, pushing for noise barriers to be installed as well as proper signage for our exits.


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